I just returned from a week long vacation in San Diego, with several of my family members. As with all things that “happen” in my life, I knew this trip would be purposeful and eventful.
In the past, my writing has focused on what appears to be “good” synchronicity. Although many “good” things did happen on this trip, I will focus on a few things that happened that weren’t that fun to deal with, although very purposeful I’m sure.
On 3-12-08 many of my family members were sitting down to dinner in one of our condo’s when my partner Shanna ran in the room with a terreified look on her face and said, there is a fire in room 409, someone call 911.
Several of my family members, grabbed fire extinguishers, water, and whatever alse we could think of that could help put out a fire.
As we ran down the hallway, I saw thick white smoke billowing from a room. A young African-American teenager was standing in the hallway with a terrified look on her face. As my brother, my son, and myself entered the room it was almost impossible to see. Heavy white smoke filled the room, and two people were spraying extinguishers at the stove. Moments after we entered the room, the fire was put out.
Smoke continued to fill the room, and I began to choke, as were everyone in the room. I dropped to my knees, crawled through the room, looking for anyone left in the room. Once I knew the room was clear, I ran down the stairs to let the reception desk know the fire was under control.
It was all “very slow motion” as is often the case when individuals explain experiencing traumatic situations.
By this time three San Diego Fire Department trucks pulled up to the condominium complex.
Two firefighters entered the building, and I motioned them to follow me to the room, because in the confusion, they weren’t given the room number.
With the fire department personel running up the stairs behind me, I guided them upstairs to the room. The young lady was still in the hallway, very panic stricken. I stayed in the hallway, assuring her everything was OK.
Moments later, I entered the room, looked at the digital clock on the stove, and the time read 7:17. WOW.
I went back to my room, and we all finished eating dinner. The family sat and ate, going over what happened with each other, in an attempt to process what had just happened, as is often the case when people are involved in traumatic situations.
I had an intuition to go back to the room to check on the family. I walked back down the hallway, this time the smoke had cleared. There were several fans clearing the hallway of smoke. The family was in the room, and the condo maintinance personell were cleaning up the mess that was left behind.
I knocked on the door, and the father, an African-American female (the mom) that appeared to be distraught answered the door. I told hem I had been one of the first people to respond to the fire, and I wanted to make sure her daughter was OK.
I entered the room, looked at the clock on the stove once again, and the time was 8:18. WOW again!
I thought this was going to be the end of my traumatic experience on this trip. Boy was I wrong.
The next day (3-13-09) my family and I enjoyed the day at the San Diego Zoo. Sometime during the day my partner Shanna told me she had had a few visions earlier that day. One was of my daughter Tehya bleeding, and the other was of my partner and my son embraced in a loving hug.
I was very careful all day to make sure my daughter stayed away from any possibility of getting herself into any kind of trouble, particularly around the animal enclosures.
We had been told by my cousin to go to a hamburger joint in La Jolla called, Jeff’s Burgers. According to my cousin, these are the best burgers in The State of California. As you will read, we never had a chance to eat one.
We spent the late afternoon at La Jolla Beach. My daughter played in the ocean, my mom and dad watched. My partner and my brother went on a run on the beach, my son rented a surfboard to surf, and I hung out taking it all in.
As dinner time drew nearer, I began to get excited about trying one of these famous burgers.
As a family we entered the burger joint, and decided to wait until my uncle, aunt, and gramma drove from their condo to join us.
My son and I walked out of the burger joint to take in a few more sights before the rest of the family arrived for dinner. My son Beau and I were walking down the sidewalk, and I had an intuition to look at the time on my cell phone. I opened up my phone and the time read 6:16.
Not more than 10 seconds later I heard my daughter scream in a way I have never heard before.
Once again, what happened over the next ten minutes felt like slow motion, and felt very, very dreamlike.
My son and I raced back into the restaurant. My mom had my daughter in her arms with a semi panicked look on her face. My dad looked terrified, and so did my brother. As my mom moved the hair out of my four year old daughters face, I saw blood streaming down her forehead. I grabbed her out of my moms arms, looked at her feeling completely helpless, as I saw her skull. I have to admit at this point I panicked a little too. I knew I had to be stoic, because I didn’t want her to see the fear I had in my eyes.
In my 42 years of life, working in some very traumatic environments in the military, in the juvenile prison, and in law enforcement, I have never seen a head laceration as bad as I saw on my daughter’s forehead. Maybe I have just been lucky
According to witness’s, the employees had stacked several “bar mats” in front of some steps, in preparation to close at 7:00PM. My daughter was following my partner to the bathroom when she tripped on the mats, and landed face first on the step.
The cut went completely to the bone. In my estimation, the cut was about ¼ inch deep, and about 2 ½ inches long. My mom, a nurse with about 30 years of experience handed me a stack of napkins so I could apply pressure to my daughters head as she was screaming and shaking uncontrollably.
I applied pressure, and someone called 911. I felt completely helpless as I held her in my arms, trying to comfort her. For a few minutes, I felt as if I might lose my beautiful little girl.
Initially, we were going to wait for an ambulance to arrive, but as a family we decided to drive her to the nearest emergency room as quickly as possible
My family came together as a very effective, calm team. My mom, and her 30 years of nursing experience kept us all together emotionally. My dad drove, my brother pulled up hospitals on his “I-phone”, my son embraced Shanna, my mom reassured me, and we raced to a hospital.
I kept looking at Shanna as she was crying. I was talking to her and Tehya, trying to reassure them both. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but I tried to focus on keeping them both calm. I knew Tehya was looking at both Shanna and I for reassurance that she would be OK.
I was worried my daughter was going to go into shock, so I kept talking to her, rocking her, and asking her questions. She began to get lethargic, and I began to get really worried. I pulled the pressure dressing away from her head, still not believeing the size of the gash in her head.
We raced to the hospital. By the time we got there, she had stopped screaming, but appeared to be getting more lethargic.
We all ran into the emergency room, where she was triaged quickly. Her vital signs were good, and her head seemed intact. The triage nurse calmed Shanna and I, and Tehya too
Initially, the ER staff were going to give her local anesthetic around the wound and then stitch it up. However, in the end, they opted to sedate here because she was aware of her surroundings, knew her name, knew where she was, etc.
A plastic surgeon was called in from another hospital, she was sedated, and he did an amazing job at putting my daughter’s forehead back together.
The entire process took about four hours.
A family that was eating at the burger joint when the accident happened arrived at the hospital at some point during the first hour we were there (its all still kind of a blur) handed us a stuffed "teddy bear" and a card for Tehya, and let us know they had seen what happened and were praying for Tehya.
When I opened the card, the opening line of the card was all about how "Angels" come in many different forms, and that "Angels" were watching over our daughter.
When we were being discharged, I looked at the paperwork, and was amazed when I looked at the time she was officially admitted to the emergency room. The time in military time on the paperwork read 1911 hours, or 7:11 PM. Wow again!
My dad had stayed with us through the entire ordeal. He left a few minutes earlier to get the van he had rented for the vacation. When we all hopped in the van to go home, I looked at the time on the digital clock and it was 11:17. Wow again!
As I sit writing tonight, I am still struggling to find the purpose in the amount of trauma my family experienced in less than a 24 hour period.
I wonder often why this is happening to me. I wonder what all the purpose and significance these events will have in our lives, and I am very aware that not all “synchronicity” is “good” synchronicity.
Shanna has begun to experience numerical phenomena in her life too. After it was all over, she reminded me again of the ”vision” she had experienced earlier that day at the San Diego Zoo.
In the end, I am reminded of the fragility of life, and the fact our loved ones can be taken in an instant. Once again I am reminded to love and embrace all of my loved ones, and let them know as often as possible how much I love them, unconditionally.
Thanks for letting me share.
Please tell a family member you love them today, and hug your kids and loved ones often. Let them know you love them, and let them know you are proud of them.
Don't let a day go by that you are in conflict with a loved one.
Wow! What a frightening ordeal to experience. I am grateful for you to have such a cohesive and loving family, working together smoothly in a scary situation.
ReplyDeleteThank YOU for sharing!
Thanks Kimberly...for sharing on this blog...How did you find me, and do you experience life like I do? How did you find this blog. Thanks again 4 sharing. I look forward to getting to know you better
ReplyDeleteWow Blayne,
ReplyDeleteYou had me in tears. I have a 4 year old, and I know how horrifying a head injury is. My older daughter split her scalp open when she was 3 and needed staples. I could see her skull too. I'm so glad to hear that your daughter is o.k.
The light is with you,
Did you notice the time that last post was made. In the words of David Icke...It's all synchronicity in the end...idn't it.